事例紹介#5 MedGel(PI5) 粒子タイプ
+A trial on regeneration therapy of rat liver cirrhosis by controlled release of hepatocyte growth factor.
Oe S, Fukunaka Y, Hirose T, Yamaoka Y, Tabata Y.
; HGFとの組合せ。肝硬変モデルに腹腔内投与。抗線維化作用を向上。(ラット)
+Regeneration of defects in articular cartilage in rat knee joints by CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor).
Nishida T, Kubota S, Kojima S, Kuboki T, Nakao K, Kushibiki T, Tabata Y, Takigawa M.
; CCN2 (CTGF: connective tissue growth factor)との組合せ。関節症モデルに関節腔内投与。軟骨様組織の修復が見られた。(ラット)
+Intervertebral disc regeneration using platelet-rich plasma and biodegradable gelatin hydrogel microspheres.
Nagae M, Ikeda T, Mikami Y, Hase H, Ozawa H, Matsuda K, Sakamoto H, Tabata Y, Kawata M, Kubo T.
; PRP(多血小板血漿)との組合せ。椎間板損傷モデルに椎間板内投与。損傷抑制と再生融合効果を確認。(ウサギ)
+Neutralization of hepatocyte growth factor leads to retarded cutaneous wound healing associated with decreased neovascularization and granulation tissue formation.
Yoshida S, Yamaguchi Y, Itami S, Yoshikawa K, Tabata Y, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T.
; 中和抗体との組合せ。皮下への投与。中和抗体を投与してタンパク質の創傷治癒に対する機能を解析(マウス)
+Tissue regeneration using macrophage migration inhibitory factor-impregnated gelatin microbeads in cutaneous wounds.
Zhao Y, Shimizu T, Nishihira J, Koyama Y, Kushibiki T, Honda A, Watanabe H, Abe R, Tabata Y, Shimizu H.
; MIFとの組合せ。皮膚欠損部に投与。ノックアウトマウスにタンパク質を補充し創傷治癒への関与を確認。
MedGel (粒子タイプ)
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